Is Ben Shapiro Vegan? Examining The Conservative Pundit’S Diet

Ben Shapiro has made a name for himself as a prominent conservative political commentator and podcast host. But when it comes to his eating habits, is Ben Shapiro living a vegan lifestyle? The straightforward answer is no – Ben Shapiro is not vegan.

In this in-depth explainer, we’ll take a close look at Ben Shapiro’s diet and food philosophy to understand where he stands on veganism. We’ll examine his statements on plant-based diets versus meat-eating, and see how his overall ideology meshes (or clashes) with vegan ethics.

While Shapiro is no vegan, examining his diet sheds light on his positions on animal rights, environmental issues, and health.

Shapiro’s Stated Diet and Food Choices

Ben Shapiro, the well-known conservative commentator and author, has been the subject of speculation regarding his dietary preferences. While there is no definitive answer to whether he is vegan or not, his food choices and public statements provide some insight.

Often photographed eating meat

Ben Shapiro is frequently seen consuming meat in public. Numerous photographs and videos show him enjoying meals that include various types of meat, such as steaks, burgers, and chicken. These images suggest that he includes animal products as a significant part of his diet.

His traditional Jewish upbringing

Shapiro’s traditional Jewish upbringing may also play a role in his food choices. Many Jewish dietary laws, known as kashrut, prohibit the consumption of certain foods, such as pork and shellfish. While these laws do not explicitly require the consumption of meat, they may have influenced Shapiro’s preference for including meat in his diet.

Publicly denounces veganism and vegetarianism

Ben Shapiro has publicly expressed his opposition to veganism and vegetarianism on several occasions. He argues that these dietary choices are not only unnecessary but also potentially harmful to individuals and society as a whole.

Shapiro contends that a balanced diet that includes animal products is essential for optimal health and wellbeing.

It is worth noting that Shapiro’s stance on veganism and vegetarianism does not necessarily mean that he is not open to healthy lifestyle changes or dietary modifications. However, based on his statements and visible food choices, it appears that he does not personally adhere to a vegan or vegetarian diet.

Shapiro on Plant-Based Diets vs. Meat Eating

Ben Shapiro, the conservative pundit, has been a vocal critic of plant-based diets and an advocate for meat consumption. He argues that humans are “biologically omnivorous,” meaning our bodies are designed to consume both plants and animals.

According to Shapiro, our digestive systems have evolved to efficiently process and extract nutrients from a wide range of food sources.

Argues humans are ‘biologically omnivorous’

Shapiro believes that the idea of humans being biologically omnivorous is supported by our evolutionary history. He points to our ancestors, who were hunter-gatherers and relied on a varied diet of both plant and animal foods for survival.

Shapiro argues that our teeth, jaw structure, and digestive system are all adapted to handle a mixture of plant and animal-based foods.

Furthermore, Shapiro suggests that our nutritional needs cannot be met solely by a plant-based diet. He claims that animal products, such as meat, eggs, and dairy, provide essential nutrients like complete proteins, vitamin B12, and omega-3 fatty acids, which are difficult to obtain from plant sources alone.

He contends that removing these important nutrients from our diet could lead to deficiencies and potential health problems.

Says plant-based diets are ‘nutritionally deficient’

Shapiro has also criticized plant-based diets, arguing that they can be nutritionally deficient. He believes that solely relying on plant foods can lead to deficiencies in key nutrients like iron, zinc, and vitamin D. While it is true that some plant-based diets may require careful planning to ensure adequate nutrient intake, many studies have shown that a well-planned vegan or vegetarian diet can meet all nutritional requirements.

It’s worth noting that several reputable health organizations, such as the American Dietetic Association, have stated that well-planned vegetarian and vegan diets are nutritionally adequate and can provide health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer.

Criticizes environmental and ethical arguments

In addition to his concerns about nutrition, Shapiro also criticizes the environmental and ethical arguments often made in favor of plant-based diets. He questions the validity of claims that reducing meat consumption can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.

While it is true that animal agriculture contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, the exact impact and the potential benefits of reducing meat consumption are still subjects of debate.

Shapiro also challenges the ethical arguments made by vegans and animal rights activists. He believes that animals do not possess the same rights as humans, and it is therefore acceptable to use them for food.

While this perspective is not uncommon, it is important to recognize that ethical considerations surrounding animal welfare are subjective and vary among individuals.

His Conservative Ideology Clashes with Vegan Values

Ben Shapiro, the well-known conservative pundit and political commentator, has often found himself at odds with the vegan community due to his beliefs and values. As a staunch conservative, Shapiro’s views on various issues, including animal rights and veganism, differ significantly from those held by many vegans.

Rejects the term ‘speciesism’

Shapiro has been vocal about his rejection of the term “speciesism,” which refers to the discrimination or exploitation of animals based on their species. He argues that humans have a natural inclination to prioritize their own interests over those of other species, and that this is not inherently wrong or immoral.

From his perspective, it is part of the natural order of things for humans to use animals for their own benefit, whether it be for food, clothing, or other resources.

Argues against animal rights

Another point of contention between Shapiro and the vegan community is his argument against the concept of animal rights. Shapiro believes that rights are unique to humans and cannot be extended to animals.

He asserts that animals lack the capacity for moral agency and therefore cannot possess rights in the same way that humans can. While he acknowledges the importance of treating animals humanely, he does not believe they are entitled to the same legal rights and protections as humans.

Anthropocentric perspective

Shapiro’s perspective on veganism is rooted in an anthropocentric worldview, which places human interests and well-being above those of other species. He believes that humans have a right to prioritize their own needs and desires, including the consumption of animal products, over the welfare of animals.

From his standpoint, the ultimate goal should be to improve human life and society, rather than focusing on the rights and well-being of animals.

It is important to note that while Shapiro may clash with vegan values, there are conservatives who do embrace a vegan lifestyle for a variety of reasons, such as health, environmental concerns, or ethical considerations.

It is also worth exploring the arguments and perspectives of vegans who may hold conservative beliefs, as their viewpoints can provide further insight into the intersection of politics and veganism.

Shapiro’s Stance on Related Issues

When it comes to his stance on climate change, Ben Shapiro has been vocal about his skepticism towards the extent of human impact on the environment. He has expressed doubts about the severity of climate change and the effectiveness of proposed solutions.

Shapiro often argues that the climate has always been changing and that human activity plays a minimal role in the process. While he acknowledges the need for responsible environmental policies, he believes that many proposed measures are excessive and burdensome on businesses and the economy.

Climate change

Regarding climate change, Shapiro questions the consensus among scientists and argues that the science is not settled. He often cites studies and statistics that suggest natural factors have a significant influence on the climate.

However, it is important to note that the overwhelming majority of scientists agree that human activity, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, is the primary driver of climate change.

Farm subsidies and regulations

Shapiro has been critical of farm subsidies and regulations, advocating for a more free-market approach to agriculture. He believes that government intervention in the form of subsidies distorts the market and favors certain industries over others.

Shapiro argues that these subsidies often benefit large corporate farms and hurt small-scale farmers. He advocates for reducing government intervention and allowing market forces to determine the success of agricultural businesses.

Humane meat movement

While Ben Shapiro has not explicitly addressed the humane meat movement, it can be inferred from his views on animal rights and the role of government regulations that he may not be a strong advocate for it.

Shapiro has expressed his belief in limited government intervention and may argue that regulations on the meat industry should focus on food safety rather than animal welfare. However, it is important to note that this is speculation based on his broader views and he may have a different stance on the issue.

Rebuttals to Shapiro’s Anti-Vegan Arguments

On human biology

Ben Shapiro often argues that humans are naturally designed to consume meat and that a vegan diet goes against our biological makeup. While it is true that humans have been consuming animal products for thousands of years, our biology has also evolved to allow for a plant-based diet.

In fact, numerous scientific studies have shown that a well-planned vegan diet can provide all the necessary nutrients for optimal health.

Contrary to Shapiro’s claims, a vegan diet can actually be beneficial for human health. Research has consistently shown that plant-based diets can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

Additionally, a vegan diet can help lower cholesterol levels, improve digestion, and promote a healthy weight. These health benefits are supported by reputable organizations such as the American Dietetic Association and the World Health Organization.

Plant-based health

Shapiro often dismisses the health benefits of a plant-based diet, arguing that it lacks key nutrients such as protein and iron. However, this is a common misconception that can easily be debunked.

It is important to note that plant-based sources of protein are abundant and diverse. Legumes, tofu, tempeh, quinoa, and nuts are just a few examples of plant-based protein sources that can easily meet an individual’s protein needs.

Furthermore, plant-based sources of iron, such as beans, lentils, spinach, and fortified cereals, can provide adequate amounts of this essential nutrient.

Environmental impact

One of the main arguments in favor of veganism is its positive impact on the environment. Shapiro, however, often downplays the environmental benefits of a plant-based diet.

The production of animal products, particularly meat and dairy, has a significant environmental footprint. According to the United Nations, animal agriculture is responsible for a substantial amount of greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water pollution.

By adopting a vegan diet, individuals can greatly reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable planet.

Animal suffering

While Shapiro acknowledges the ethical concerns surrounding factory farming and animal cruelty, he often argues that these issues can be addressed through improved animal welfare regulations rather than eliminating animal products from our diets entirely.

However, the reality is that current animal welfare regulations are often insufficient and poorly enforced. Animals raised for food often endure cramped and unsanitary conditions, routine mutilations without anesthesia, and a brutal slaughter process.

By choosing a vegan lifestyle, individuals can take a stand against animal suffering and promote a more compassionate society.

It is important to critically examine the arguments presented by individuals like Ben Shapiro and consider the wealth of scientific evidence and ethical considerations that support a vegan diet. While it may be easy to dismiss veganism based on preconceived notions, taking a closer look reveals a compelling case for embracing a plant-based lifestyle.


Given his conservative ideology and publicly stated positions, it’s clear veganism does not align with Ben Shapiro’s worldview. While Shapiro rejects the ethics of veganism, examining his arguments provides insights for advocates on how to respond and make the case for a vegan lifestyle.

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